It’s Friday evening, you’ve shut up the office and you’re all done for the weekend. Time to head home. As you’re eating your pasta, the phone rings. And it’s the call no business owner wants to get. When you arrive back at the office, firefighters are hosing down the last of the flames and you’re dialing your insurers. It’s not a disaster, but your server room is toast.
A few days of clean-up, some new kit and air freshener and all will be shipshape again, ready to restore everything from your backup. You are all backed up… Right?
• You’ve got a business plan. Do you have an IT strategy?
• Why business owners & managers switch IT partners
• Protect the most important thing in your business
• Why you should be highly sceptical of all IT support companies
• What every IT support company wishes you knew about IT
• How to help your internal IT people, if you have them
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